In a world where changes occurs at unimaginable speeds, maybe some people was taken by surprise with one of its most trascendental changes nowadays: the way we relate each other. Interpersonal relationships became an interchange of words in distance, kisses became virtual as well and conversations remained saved in voice chats… And were not the only ones: commercial relationships migrated its recurrence to a new ways to take place.
Maybe we all expected to get into scenarios so virtuals as the one we are living rigth now, in a near future, but it just came like an unnounced visit, the fact that from a moment to another our clients would not expect us at their office, but request the meeting trough a link to talk about business. The kind lady that offered us coffee while we were at that meeting was replaced by a self-service accompanied only for the noise that, sometimes, comes from the street without mercy. Choosing the best wall as background became an art; “To play” with the camera options for video or sound, selecting the best moment to activate each of them, brougth out as many jokes as a new modesty on this new “virtual reality”, where even being “half” dressed or properly dressed only from our hips up, was definitly something that was not on the radar.
Pandemic we are into, sped up the process for that virtual interventions, in which many platforms, apps and data collecting systems, became the heroes that tended the bridge that allowed us to keep in touch as society in spite of the physical confinement the whole planet got into. And there were those “futuristic” developments the ones that let us to stay connected familiar, commercial, personal and socially, and turned that apparently coldness of no-contact media into the best option to recognize that there is not unbreakable distance to get close to that we want and/or need. In the middle of the chaos produced by this change of normality, we realized the value of managing our companies remotely, including from stocktaking, cost and CRM, to the daily activities executed for our employees.
To get physical distance shorter between client and product, was never more determinant as now. Many companies had already implemented their sales through their websites or purchase buttons on Instagram or Facebook, but were completly dependent of actualizing their stock in a more manual way, what the pandemic became ineffective, when the process needed someone to feed an Excel file by being there, physicly checking the items available in place. The uncertain of having a closed shop to the public, made almost indispensable to count with software that let owners, directors or managers to control their businesses from anywhere, without depending only on a supervision in situ of all that is related to the process of sale.
To evaluate the productivity of an employee, for example, surely was one of the more radical changes. It was proved that while an employee has the correct tools on his hands, the work at distance or at home (homeoffice) is capable of propitiate and strengthen even more the colaborative work, allowing the employees to develope more innovative ways to do their job and, for those with people on charge, this tools open for them a whole new panoramic where to mesure their effectiveness by being sitten in their chairs in front of a computer, will not be the rule anymore. They could find this data without even seeing them in a physic way, through reports that the software itself provides. Meetings with high profile executives and others, will not be tigth to a physical displacement as well; instead of it, apps with multiple options inside will make easier to connect them from any place they could be. Stocktaking control systems in the cloud, sales and teams managment systems, ERP, CRM, etc., will become the best ally for the companies to control everything remotly.
Etairos Business Solution has a wide experience in getting the companies closer to this new way to work. We know how to adjust the needs of our clients to effective softwares that let them acomplish their goals no matter where they are, allowing them to be updated in real time and to keep growing at the speed they require based on this new way of interacting. If you are looking for help to do that, please feel free to contact us. We are ready to help you!